Case 1

These sessions required a strong understanding of Global strategy and affiliate market nuances. The cross-functional strategy sessions resulting in subsequent planning sessions affiliates and collation of plans for Global departments.

Case 2

We managed an assessment of regulatory pathways, burden and commercial viability in the Balkans for a rare disease treatment. A high degree of cross functional team management and senior alignment was required for this successful project, and it was followed by a product launch several Balkan countries.

Case 3

This project involved working with a regulatory service provider and a biotech company to ensure a path for patients to access a treatment before local regulatory approval or reimbursement. This project required close collaboration with the medical function and a local partner to ensure a seamless experience for patients and HCPs.

Case 4

In this High Tec Assessment to the NCPE, we liaised with the clients Market Access department and vendor to prepare, and project manage the completion and submission of the application.

Case 5

The goal of this position paper was to increase awareness of an inequitable, unsustainable funding setup for a high cost /high tec treatment on hospital budgets in Ireland and to lobby for an alternative funding arrangement. The paper focused on expert opinions, pharmacoeconomic data and patient organisation insights.

Case 6

This pan-European project required significant collaboration and agreement with the Compliance, Medical and Commerical departments and the management of speaker contracts, content and speaker tour dates.